I’m a freelance software developer, enthusiastic about using agile methods, writing clean-code and practicing test driven development (TDD). I have more than 20 years of experience of project work in several sectors and all team sizes. My focus currently is developing RESTful Web-Services with Java and SpringBoot, including all aspects like architecture, development, quality assurance and testing.
I’m a co-organizor of the Softwerkskammer meetings in Cologne and Düsseldorf as well as for SoCraTes - Conference for Software Craft and Testing.
Furthermore I’m a trainer for Spring Boot. The trainings are given in cooperation with Workshops.de.
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Overview, for a complete list please download my profile
Development for a migration of insurance contracts to a newly developed platform
Working in a small team responsible for migration, close cooperation with the team developing the new platform. Coordination of efforts to inform surrounding systems about migration. Architectural design and implementation, concepts for staging, automation of build and deployment processes, batch processing, performance and high data throughput.
TDD, Pair-Programming, IntelliJ IDEA, Java 17, REST Services, SpringBoot 2, Docker, OpenAPI, OAuth, Openid-Connect, JUnit5, PostgrSQL, DB2, Maven, Git, Jenkins, Sonar, JIRA, Confluence, Asciidoc
Backend development for a new platform in the field of collection agencies
Working in a SCRUM team, close cooperation with other teams and with the customer, coordination of joint development efforts. Architectural design and implementation, concepts for staging, automation of build and deployment processes with Jenkins (CI/CD).
TDD, Pair-Programming, IntelliJ IDEA, Java 17, REST Services, SpringBoot 2, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm-Charts, OpenAPI, HashiCorp Vault, OAuth, Openid-Connect, JUnit5, Gauge, MongoDB, Maven, Git, Jenkins, Sonar, JIRA, Confluence, Azure, Rancher, OTC, Asciidoc
Backend development of the Mobile Backend Kit for the automotive industry
Working in a SCRUM team.
IntelliJ IDEA, Java 8, REST Services, JSON, Junit 5, Git, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Sonar, Kubernetes, FitNesse
Green field development of a postal charges aid applicationfor Deutsche Post
Working in a SCRUM team.
IntelliJ IDEA, Java 8, Spring Boot 2, REST Services, JSON, Junit 5, Git, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Sonar, TeamCity
Green field development of a multi tenant, multi lingual Webshop for a big player in the area of Office and Storage Equipment
Working in a SCRUM team.
IntelliJ IDEA, Java 8, Spring Boot, SelfContainedSystems (SCS), Kafka, REST, JSON, Freemarker, Bootstrap, Gradle, JUnit, Git, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Sonar
Maintenance, Support and Development of various Microservices with E-Commerce Tribe for shop.rewe.de
Working in a SCRUM team.
IntelliJ IDEA, Java 8, Spring Boot, Groovy, Microservice, Docker, Kafka, REST, JSON, Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Spock, Git, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence